Several Data Centers, q.Beyond AG

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Highly efficient UPS systems save CO2

q.beyond AG supports medium-sized companies in particular with digitalization and offers services in areas such as cloud services, the Internet of Things and SAP. In the period from 2018 to 2022, a total of 16 UPS systems were replaced in two data centers in Hamburg. These UPS systems were replaced with new, more energy-efficient models as part of the project funded by the energy efficiency funding competition (“Wettbewerb-Energieeffizienz”)

“For us, business success and corporate responsibility for the environment clearly go hand in hand. Energy efficiency measures help us to save CO2 and thus improve our ecological footprint,” says Michael Wockenfuß, Team Leader Basic IT and Data Center Services.

We created the energy-saving concept, applied for the subsidies and confirmed the proper use of the subsidies after installation.


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