
Energy Consulting & Engineering

Energy Efficiency for Air Handlings Units

Energy Efficiency &
Renewable Energies

Do you consider to refurbish some energy generation plants, or to modernize your major technical building systems (like chillers, air handling units, ventilators, compressed air, UPS systems, etc) ?

Are you intending to enlarge and upgrade some of your existing technical building systems, and to amend a high efficient technical solution, or renewable energy?

We support you and figure out between many options the optimal technical, ecological and economical solution.

We check possible subsidies and submit applications for it,  if applicable


Energy Audit

Energy Audit
EN 16247

Discover our comprehensive energy audit, which will help you to identify the major energy-saving potential in your properties.

With detailed analysis and tailored recommendations, we provide all the information your management needs to make informed decisions about how to move forward, optimise your energy use and reduce your operating costs.

We concentrate on proven technical measures and an optimum of high CO2 reduction and short payback time.


Energy Management​ System

An energy management system (EnMS) ISO 50001 supports companies and municipalities to systematically reduce energy consumption and reduce costs and CO₂ emissions

It enables multinational companies that work with international partners to fulfil global requirements and standards, in order to keep their business running.

EnMS 50001 requires much more than a monitoring tool for energy consumptions. It includes organisational requirements and processes, document management, special personnel deployment, energy management software and requires a certification by an approved certifying company.

We provide EnM software, support you to build up all necessary structures, train your stuff, and  guide you through the whole process in a qualified manner, in order to successfully reach the external certification.

Consulting, Energy Performance Contracting, EPC

Consulting on Energy Performance Contracting

Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is an approach where energy service companies (ESCOs) provide energy efficiency improvements, with the investment of the project paid from the savings generated. It shifts the financial and operational risks from the client to the ESCO. No upfront capital is required by the municipality or the client. The performance is guaranteed by the ESCO

We initially support municipalities and companies by an orientation consultation, with initial feasibility considerations, the selection of suitable buildings, finding suitable contract models and suggesting suitable solutions.

As part of the implementation consultancy, we prepare the tender documents, and proceed the tender process. After awarding, we supervise the installation of the new energy-efficient systems. In the subsequent operating phase, we monitor ESCO’s compliance with the guaranteed energy savings and services.